Montag, 1. September 2014

Museumsuferfest - results (and Kerb Gronau)

One thing that I really like here in Frankfurt are the street parties: this weekend the Museumsuferfest's results are:
 1 Korean Kimchi pancake
 1 German Beer
 1 German Bread out of a wood-burning oven
 1 Idian Naan-Sandwich 1 Chilean Empanada
 1 Plate of Bangali Samosa 1 Finnish Beer
 1 Plate of German "Reibekuchen"

On Saturday I had the chance to be a witness at a party of native people :) here in the south of Hesse. Gronauer Kerb! Unfortunately there was only Curry-Wurst Pommes Mayo and some beer on the culinary side but lot's of fun on the cultural side....  (dancing on tables seems to be common here, even before midnight)

 A second video I took using Hyperlapse:

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