Sonntag, 25. November 2012

Rocking Chair is a Knitting Machine

Bicycle weekend

Changed the chain of the cruiser, because it broke on Thursday, the day I also was sick and burned my finger...
Today I took the black one out for the first ride through the city - love it!

Freitag, 23. November 2012

Großartige Steuerverschiebungen

Insbesondere der Vergleich mit dem kleinen Cafe ist interessant: wir werden überschüttet mit weltweit einheitlichem Kaffee und die paar kleinen Cafes die sich halten können bräuchten ne Verwaltungsgesellschaft auf den Bermudas.... Miete können sie ja nicht sparen, Wareneinkauf ist auch schlecht sonst sinkt die Qualität, bleiben Personalkosten...

Samstag, 10. November 2012

Arduino Ethernet powered Lucky Cat 2.0

Rebuilt my lucky cat: whenever a page of my website is loaded, the cat will be waving its arm. There's a light sensor so when its dark, the cats RGB-LED is changing the color instead of waving the arm. Changing the color of the LED is also possible with one of the buttons on the cats ears. The other one is the reset button. Used an arduino ethernet, a servo, two buttons, an RGB LED and two small yellow LEDs. The seven segment display is one that I harvested from an old stereo. It's driven by the arduino and two shift registers. unfortunately I've soldered that one together for an older project, so that it doesn't fit into the cat too. It shows the number of pageviews of the website.

Montag, 5. November 2012

Don't have to work today

The only jazz club I know which is allowed to let you take a day off. They've signed this card for me to show it to my boss so that I can stay at home today.